Please be aware that Illinois organizations are eligible for only one free site visit per location.
If you have previously received a free site visit from TAP, but would like further assistance from our experts, you can still fill out the online site visit request form so our staff can follow up with you. However, after initial discussions of your needs, we will develop a proposed scope of work and an estimated budget for our services. We’ll work with you to establish an agreement between your organization and ISTC before work begins.
We also work with organizations and agencies on a contractual basis for sustainability and climate resiliency planning, stakeholder engagement, sustainability visioning, and goal setting, or similar services not listed on our site visit request form. TAP additionally works with statewide agencies, organizations, and networks on special projects that foster the development of sustainability efforts throughout the state (e.g. we might work with IL EPA to conduct a survey of recycling coordinators throughout the state as part of materials management planning). To express interest in these types of projects, send an email with a brief description of your needs to We will follow up with you to discuss options.
Note that TAP respects the need for clients to protect sensitive or proprietary information. Interactions and recommendations provided as part of a free initial site assessment are kept confidential, and we do not share deliverables resulting from fee-for-service work (e.g. reports, tools, study findings, etc.) without permission. If you decide to engage TAP on a contractual basis, we can work with your organization on an appropriate non-disclosure agreement (NDA) or confidentiality agreement, if desired.
TAP occasionally receives grant funding to cover the costs of certain types of assessments and implementation projects for specific sectors. This might allow us to perform work at no cost to you, even if you’ve previously taken advantage of a free site visit. Our staff will inform you of such opportunities during initial discussions, if relevant.