Any Illinois organization, business, manufacturing facility, institute of higher learning, government entity, public utility, or institution may request one free site visit (per location) at no cost to the facility. Schedule your free site visit today by filling out our online request form.
At this initial site visit, TAP staff members meet with key personnel to learn about the organization’s situation, facilities, concerns, and aspirations with regard to sustainability. TAP then develops an initial recommendation report based on this visit—again, at no cost to the facility. The recipient facility is under no obligation to act upon any recommendations provided, but if they do decide to implement, they are free to pursue implementation using their own staff, engage TAP to assist with implementation on a fee-for-service basis, or engage a third-party consultant. TAP respects the need for clients to protect sensitive or proprietary information. Interactions and recommendations provided as part of a free initial site assessment are kept confidential. Again, to be clear, free site visits result in the delivery of an initial recommendation report. TAP can assist with establishing your baseline, implementing recommendations, and/or documenting the impacts of changes implemented on a fee for service basis.
Beyond facility assessments, TAP can also help your organization assess or create its sustainability goals, or help you determine your next steps in making your operations more sustainable. If you are interested in sustainability visioning, goal-setting, planning, reporting, other stakeholder engagement, or similar services not listed on the online site visit form, contact us at to express your interests. We’ll follow up to arrange an initial discussion to determine how we might assist you. Please be aware that these more complex forms of assistance may need to be provided on a fee for service basis.
Please also be aware that organizations are eligible for only one free site visit for facility assessment. See our “Fee for Service” page for more info.
We occasionally have grant funding to cover the costs of certain types of assessments and implementation projects for specific sectors. Our staff will inform you of such opportunities during initial discussions, and/or within initial recommendation reports, if relevant.